Friday 25 November 2016

Eels, eels, eels

Just to finish off our week the way we started  (looking and talking about eels) Ms. Bonsey gave us a paper plate, quick instructions and a picture and we had to problem solve how to make our paper plate into an eel.  

We then added them to our Nurturing Nature display.  

We were all able to follow the instructions and made some pretty cool looking eels.


Tuesday 22 November 2016

Nga Manu

Today the Rimu block travelled to Waikanae to Nga Manu Nature Reserve to see the eels and all ducks, keas, and pukeko that live on the reserve.

It was a beautiful day and we have loads of fun, we also learnt lots about eels.  Keep watching our blog to find out what we did learn.
We were even allowed to touch one of the eels and it felt "slimy and squishy!"

We walked lots and explored the reserve enjoying the sun and the fresh air.

What an awesome day we had!!!

Friday 11 November 2016

Our Kapahaka Star

Room 5 always does an amazing job during Kapahaka but today we had a stand out star in Horona.

He lead the kapahaka, made Ms. Bonsey burst with pride and shed a tear.

I'm so very proud of each and every one of my lovely children in Room 5 - you bring joy to my day.

Ms. Bonsey

Nurturing Nature

As part of our inquiry we talked a lot about our responsibilities to keep our environment and community clean and tidy so that we are taking care of the nature around us.

We had noticed a lot of rubbish in our playground so along with Room 7 we walked around the school and collected lots and lots of rubbish.

When we got back to class we sorted it - paper, plastic and compost and talked about how rubbish affects our environment.
